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Georgia Pre-K at Dolvin

It is time to apply to be part of the lottery drawing for Dolvin's 2025-2026 Pre-K Class!!  You may apply for the lottery any time between January 23 and March 5, 2025.  No applications will be accepted after that time.  Click the button below.


Enroll Now for 2025-2026

We are accepting complete registration applications for the 2025-2026 School Year for Kindergarten through 5th grade.  Please gather all required documentation prior to starting your registration application.  Please remember to provide the school your application number.  


There's a policy for that!

Have a question about attendance, report cards, visiting the school?  The Dolvin Family Handbook has the answer!  Please become familiar with the policies set in place for a smooth school year.  

Dolvin Family Handbook

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