Georgia PreK Program
The application process for the Georgia Pre-K Program has opened! Please see the flyer below and follow the steps to apply for the lottery. Dolvin's lottery will be held on March 26, 2025. A recording of the lottery will be posted to this page. You will receive a lottery number prior to that date. Only after you are selected will you register your child. See the articles below the flyers for further information.
Georgia’s Pre-K Program is a state-lottery funded, educational program for all age-eligible, four-year-old children in Georgia. The purpose of Georgia’s Pre-K Program is to prepare children for success in Kindergarten and later school years.
Pre-K programs usually operate on the regular school system calendar for the length of a typical school day. Programs may be offered at local public schools or through private providers of preschool services.
Dolvin has one Pre-K classroom with 20 spots. The classroom is filled through a lottery system in the spring of the previous school year. The school conducts its lottery based on guidelines provided by the State and Fulton County Schools. The information for the lottery is typically released for Fulton County Schools in February. Parents will apply for the lottery (this is not the same as registering a student) during the application time period. The lottery is usually conducted in March. Dolvin has an In-District and Out-of-District Lottery. All children who live within the Dolvin school district are given priority regardless of if they have an older sibling already attending Dolvin or not.
As the Pre-K program is very popular, we suggest going to DECAL.GA.GOV to learn more about the program and all locations that have the program. As lotteries for the program held at private daycare centers can be held at different times, you may want to participate in their lotteries to secure a spot.
As we receive information on dates and directions, we will update this page.
Frequently Asked Questions regarding Pre-K at Dolvin:
What age is enrolled in Pre-K? Children must be 4 years old on September 1st of the school year they are applying for Pre-K. Proof of age will be required.
If I have an older child at Dolvin, do I have a better chance? No, all children are put into one of two lotteries (either in-district or out-of-district lottery).
Are children that reside in Dolvin's district given priority? Yes, all in-district children are included in the primary lottery. Proof of residency will be required.
What are the hours for Pre-K students? Pre-K students attend school from 7:40 a.m. until 2:20 p.m.
Can Pre-K students take the school bus? Yes, any child living in district can ride the school bus.
How do I get on the waitlist if my child does not get selected during the lottery? If you child is not selected, you will need to fill out and return a Waitlist Form to remain on the waitlist.